Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Zoo- Take Two!!

I forgot to mention on my last post that our last zoo trip was awesome. We, (Kel, Randee, Me and our girlies) all went a couple weeks ago. I think I figured out the best way to do it now... middle of the week, around three o clock. The gates close at 5, so we get a couple hours in and its not super busy! Anyway, here are some pics from our trip...

What is sweeter than little girls?
My Little Fraidy-Cat
(She didn't like the mist coming out from the walls!)
One of my proudest moments! My little Kel, standing next
to her biggest fear. Snakes!
(You have to love the fake smile on her face!)
Here are the girls checking out the giraffes

So cute!
Checking out Grace's fave part of the zoo...

How freakin' cute is this kid!?
As long as Kaia had food she was happy!
Randee let me borrow her mobi-wrap and now I am totally addicted!
(As is Kaia!)

And by the end of the day my girls were a little reversed...

And here are a couple of Grace and Soph... these two are the sweetest girls!

They love each other!


Skye said...

Are you kidding me? How cute are all those little girls!?!? ADORABLE!

kelseyp said...

CUTE!! they are so lucky to have eachother. i was just thinking the other day about how i am sad that sophie and ella only have 1 cousin and then i caught myself.. she has kaia and grace and they are more like sisters... and they will be the best of friends forever i am sure!