My little girl turned 3. I have weird mixed feelings about it too. I am happy, because I loved 2, and I think 3 is going to be so much fun. I am happy because my little buddy is getting older and is healthy and growing well. On the other hand... I am so sad! I do not know where the past three years went! I have been with her every single day of her life and I have so many memories of her, but I feel like I've already forgotten so many more! (Thank goodness I now have a blog to record stuff!) I don't want her to grow up, but I am so proud of who she is becoming, so I guess I will suck it up and let her do what she's gonna do anyway. (Very big of me, I know.)
Anyway, I wanted to record a few of my fave memories and pictures of her from the past 3 years.
So, here they are.
1. It was sad for me, but it was probably the first time I realized how much I already loved her...
She was little when she was born, (5lbs 11oz) and fairly jaundiced. I knew NOTHING about jaundice, (including how common it is) and so when I got the call from the doctor when she was about five days old, telling me that she needed to go back to the hospital and get light treatments, I burst into tears. (which is totally not that ordinary for me!)
For the next three days I carefully took her out of the isolette, fed her and stuck her back in. The whole time my heart was broken because I was so worried about her, and I already missed holding her. Obviously she was fine. I was overreacting. Taught me something though- I already needed her and loved her more than I could have prepared myself for.
2.No specific memory sticks out in my mind, but all the bonding that we have done in the past three years. (Even when it was just a snuggle!)
4. When she startes sitting up and really responding to us. I loved telling her I loved her knowing that in all likelihood she understood me.

8.Family Pics. Sometimes she is such a ham. And I love it!

I love this girl more and more every single day. She is my buddy and I am really excited to make new memories with her as she gets older. (Even if I get a little sad that she's growing up.)
awwww! your little girl is so beautiful and is so lucky to have such an awesome mom! happy birthday gracie :)
So cute! What a great post!!! I can't believe she's 3.
awwwwww gracie is a big girl! those pics of her in the hospital are so sad. I love this post! You are adorable!
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